The Orangutan Project


Adopt an Orangutan


For as little as €8 a month, you can help support an orphaned or injured orangutan through rehabilitation in one of our care centres.


Only 1 out of 6 orphans are lucky enough to be rescued - over 1,000 orphaned orangutans are living in rescue and rehabilitation centres. Care of these infants is costly and requires 24hr staff, veterinary, and nurse care to ensure they are in a healthy condition and have the best chance to survive – and possibly even return to the wild.


All adoption money goes directly to helping the orphans at the various care centres we support:



We are in regular contact with the staff at the centres and TOP representatives visit the centres several regularly to get updates on the orphans and see how they are progressing. For the small sum you can make a real difference and help these orphans survive.


All adoption money goes directly to helping orphans at care centres we support and providing opportunities for a safe return to the wild.


  • Orphan adoptions are tax deductible!
  • Please allow a minimum of 7 to 12 days for postage within Australia. More remote destinations may take longer.
  • Maximum of 25 characters including spaces allowed on adoption certificates
  • For more information on the care centres see our Projects.

Donate to the Orangutan Project

Your gift will help save the orangutan




Donate to give orangutans in Sumatra and Borneo the best chance of survival against the threat of extinction. Support our work including critical habitat protection, orangutan care centres and rehabilitation and release programs.


The projects funded by The Orangutan Project not only include direct orangutan conservation, such as orangutan rescue, rehabilitation and release programs, but also forest habitat protection and regeneration, education, research and local community partnerships. Tying funding into direct outcomes for the species has enabled The Orangutan Project to partner with the majority of orangutan conservation projects operating on the ground today in Borneo and Sumatra. 


This has greatly increased overall efficiency and transparency in saving the species as a whole, bringing together the key players and groups who are working tirelessly on the ground to ensure the species’ survival.


The long-term growth and sustainability of The Orangutan Project has been made possible only by the loyal support of our individual donors, many of whom have supported the organisation each year since inception.


Through orangutan ‘adoptions’, regular donations and critical appeals, the organisation has been able to achieve more for the species than any otherorangutan conservation group. The ongoing support from our individual donors is imperative for the organisation to reach our goal of increasing the number of wild orangutans under The Orangutan Project’s permanent protection to 8,000, to ensure sufficient numbers of each orangutan species/subspecies survive indefinitely.


 The Orangutan Project has a holistic approach to conservation, we don’t just rescue orangutans. Our conservation philosophy is:


  1. Secure and acquire orangutan habitat by purchasing or gaining concessions around national parks.
  2. Protect the land using our Wildlife Protection Units which patrol and keep the habitat free of illegal logging and poaching.
  3. Rescuerehabilitate and release infant orangutans and displaced orangutans.
  4. Educate and empower the local villagers and indigenous people. Teach the value of conservation, advice on better eco-friendly farming methods, support medical and care programs, and legal assistance.





That all endangered wild orangutan species/subspecies will live in secure, protected populations for generations to come.



To ensure the survival of both Sumatran and Bornean orangutan species in their natural habitat and promote the welfare of all orangutans.

Our Achievements


We're not asking you to trust us that it will work. We know it will work because we’ve been successfully growing our projects over the past decade. The Orangutan Project is the world leader in it's approach to orangutan conservation. Our donors have already enabled us to direct over €8.5 million into saving the orangutan.

Here are some our recent achievements over the past 12 months:

  • Orangutan rescues: 78 rescues
  • Orangutans cared for: 200
  • Orangutan releases/relocations: 40
  • Post-release monitoring: 441
  • Total hectares protected: 332,000
  • Total orangutans protected: 3,500
  • Orangutan Caring scholarships: 7 scholarships
  • Wildlife Protection rangers: 88 rangers
  • Community development projects: 20 +
  • Over 100 schools and communities given education classes, with thousands of people being reached
  • TOP is supporting three major lawsuits in Sumatra

Where your donation goes


Summary of Achievements





Give a Gift to the Orangutan

Let's re-define giving – starting off by giving gifts that rejuvenate and add value to our world, rather than items that drain its resources. We've got you covered with a range of exciting gifts that are unique and unforgettable. Simply select the gifts that suit your loved ones and download your beautiful gift card to print and fold at home!

Which ones will you choose today?

As soon as you've made your choice and your order is complete you'll be able to decide if you want to email the certificate(s) directly to your loved one acknowledging you as the Generous Gift Giver or, if you prefer, email it to yourself so you can print it and give it to them in person.


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