Инь - Янь


А по - другому "Дневной, и ночной дозор". Всё время в опросе если мне ставят "Кусок рая", то включается "Дневной дозор", и ставится "Херня". И наоборот!!!

Комментарии (8)Просмотров (10696)
Buckie 27.11.2011 в 04:58
Shoot, who would have tohguht that it was that easy?
Keys 27.11.2011 в 06:55
You have shed a ray of snsuhnie into the forum. Thanks!
Delphia 27.11.2011 в 07:31
Grade A stuff. I'm unequsitonably in your debt.
Melvina 29.11.2011 в 02:26
Now I feel stupid. That's claered it up for me
Kailan 29.11.2011 в 04:02
Ah, i see. Well that's not too tcrkiy at all!"
Christine 11.03.2012 в 22:42
Well I guess I don't have to spend the wekened figuring this one out!
Choi 12.03.2012 в 04:40
You get a lot of rseepct from me for writing these helpful articles.
Anil 14.03.2012 в 08:10
Just what the doctor ordered, thnaktiy you!